SW Grow Seaweed Seminar Sessions-The Hatchery

SW-Grow held the first session of their Seaweed Seminar Sessions-The Hatchery on the 16th June. The event had over 84 registered participants with a keen interest in the seaweed industry, with a particular interest in developing their own seaweed hatchery. The event was opened by Údarás na Gaeltachta’ s project officer Cliodhna Ní Ghriofa, followed by a presentation on the EU, NPA project SW-Grow from Andrew MacKenzie. Dr. Antoine Fort from NUI Galway gave a detailed presentation on his work for seaweed strain selection, on how to optimize the strain for seaweed cultivation to ensure a high yield. Dr. Agnes Mols Mortensen, from TARI Faroe Seaweed presented on the best practise methodology to set up a seaweed hatchery. From years of experience within her own business coupled with her research in Fiskaaling, an aquaculture research facility in the Faroe Islands, Agnes delivered an insightful presentation on how to establish a seaweed hatchery. The event saw Dr. Martina Strittmatter, from SAM’s present her findings and research on pathogens impacting seaweed and how using the tool from “My Seaweed Looks Weird” may help seaweed businesses identify what is happening with their crop. The event concluded with an informative Q&A panel with the speakers where biodiversity, mitigations against pathogens and more sustainable substrates for cultivation was discussed. The event is recorded and available on YouTube.